The Cards
There are 45 cards, plus a bonus card in this deck. Each card has been infused with the energy of the Crystal Skull and the Being, Guide, Ascended Master, Star Being or whoever came to give a channelled message through the Skull. The energy from both the Skull and the Beings are held within the photo, so you can choose to simply work with the visual and the limited number of words on the individual card if you are in a hurry or if it feels sufficient, or you can read the full channelled message given in the booklet for each card.
This deck isn’t about the crystal properties or qualities of the Skulls in terms of what crystal it is carved out of. It is not that the properties of the crystals are unimportant, of course they are; and naturally you are welcome to look up the specific properties of the crystal itself for your own curiosity - you may find it adds another layer to the insight you receive, and I would encourage you to do so if this resonates with you. By following my Heart and personal guidance when developing this deck, I used the Skulls as a medium to channel Higher Consciousness for a particular theme or emotion that I wanted to work with, without being drawn into the traditional way of working with crystals. Instead of starting with the characteristics of the crystal that the Skull is made of, I gained insights from the Skull as a facilitator for the Higher Consciousness Being channelling through it.
This Higher Consciousness comes in all forms and sizes, from many realms and dimensions, but is always, always, always of the Highest Vibration and Frequency and working for our Highest Good as a planet. Sometimes the Skulls talked directly, but most of the time they were the conduit for other Beings to come through.
The Cards are split into four categories of twelve Action Cards, fifteen Energy and Emotions Cards, fourteen Contact Cards, and four Activation Cards, plus the Bonus Card of Manifestation.